Written by: Kate Zusmann
The Colosseum (Colosseo) is the grandest ancient amphitheater in the world with 80 entrances. Its façade is 49 meters tall and divided into three floors where entrance arches are located. Moreover, the construction is surmounted by a windowed pilaster attic where in the time of the Roman Empire stood impressive statues.
The 80 entrance arches on the ground level were numbered, except four principal entrances with propylaeums, which were reserved for the emperor, the imperial family, and the vestals.
Spectators were given special pass with an assigned seat in a particular section
In addition, there was a route to the seat indicated on the tickets. The entrance was free, but seating depended on social divisions. The 17 rows of the podium were reserved for the imperial section, magistrates, and senators. The low cavea was for the knights, while the middle cavea composed of 19 rows and 32 entrances, belonged to the middle class, the “Maenianum summum.” The high cavea, consisted of 37 rows, was dedicated to the general public. Overall, there were 50 rows in stone, while the sections for the plebes were made of wood.
Today you can visit the Colosseum on your own or on a guided tour.
Read also about How Many Colosseums are there in Rome?
Author: Kate Zusmann
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