In the heart of ancient Rome, beneath the grand archways and golden monuments, lay a tumultuous realm of ambition and rivalry. As the empire expanded, so did the stakes. Control over vast territories and diverse populations made the Emperor’s throne both coveted and perilous. While emperors wielded unparalleled power, they were perpetually entangled in a web of political intrigue and factional disputes.
More often than not, their lofty positions made them targets. Disloyal guards, scheming senators, or even aggrieved family members—danger lurked at every corner. Despite their might, these rulers often fell victim to calculated betrayals and coups, leaving the empire in frequent turmoil. Curious about the specifics?
ToggleIn the following table, we’ve cataloged each assassinated Emperor, detailing the year of their death, their reign’s duration, Age at the time of the assassination, and the nature of their untimely end. There are a total of 37 known murdered emperors in the table, including the brothers Pupienus and Balbinus. Also not included in the list is Emperor Nero, who committed suicide.
Emperor | Year of Death | Duration on the Throne | Age at Death | Type of Assassination | Succeeded by |
Gaius (Caligula) | 41 AD | 4 years | 28 | Assassinated | Claudius |
Claudius | 54 AD | 13 years | 63 | Likely poisoned | Nero |
Galba | 69 AD | <1 year | 70 | Assassinated | Otho |
Vitellius | 69 AD | <1 year | 54 | Executed | Vespasian |
Domitian | 96 AD | 15 years | 44 | Assassinated | Nerva |
Commodus | 192 AD | 15 years | 31 | Assassinated | Pertinax |
Pertinax | 193 AD | 86 days | 66 | Assassinated | Didius Julianus |
Didius Julianus | 193 AD | 66 days | 61 | Assassinated | Septimius Severus |
Geta | 211 AD | 3 years | 22 | Assassinated by Caracalla | - |
Caracalla | 217 AD | 19 years | 29 | Assassinated | Macrinus |
Macrinus | 218 AD | 1 year | 55 | Executed | Elagabalus |
Elagabalus | 222 AD | 4 years | 18 | Assassinated | Alexander Severus |
Alexander Severus | 235 AD | 13 years | 26 | Assassinated | Maximinus Thrax |
Maximinus Thrax | 238 AD | 3 years | 65 | Assassinated | Gordian I & II |
Pupienus and Balbinus | 238 AD | <1 year | 70 and 60 | Joint rule | Gordian III |
Gordian III | 244 AD | 6 years | 19 | Murdered | Philip the Arab |
Gallienus | 268 AD | 15 years | 50 | Assassinated | Claudius Gothicus |
Aurelian | 275 AD | 5 years | 60 | Assassinated | Tacitus |
Tacitus | 276 AD | 1 year | 75 | Likely assassinated | Florianus |
Florianus | 276 AD | <1 year | uncertain | Assassinated | Probus |
Probus | 282 AD | 6 years | 38 | Assassinated | Carus |
Carinus | 285 AD | 2 years | 29 | Assassinated | Diocletian |
Numerianus | 284 AD | 1 year | uncertain | Likely assassinated | - |
Licinius | 324 AD | 16 years | 60 | Executed | - |
Severus II | 307 AD | <1 year | uncertain | Likely assassinated | - |
Constans I | 350 AD | 13 years | 27 | Assassinated | - |
Gratian | 383 AD | 16 years | 24 | Assassinated | Magnus Maximus |
Valentinian II | 392 AD | 17 years | 21 | Likely assassinated | - |
Eugenius | 394 AD | 2 years | uncertain | Executed | Theodosius I |
John the Illicit | 425 AD | 2 years | uncertain | Executed | Theodosius II |
Valentinian III | 455 AD | 30 years | 35 | Assassinated | Petronius Maximus |
Petronius Maximus | 455 AD | <1 year | 57 | Stoned by mob | Avitus |
Avitus | 456 AD | 1 year | uncertain | Likely forced suicide | Maiorianus |
Maiorianus | 461 AD | 4 years | 44 | Beheaded | Libius Severus |
Anthemius | 472 AD | 5 years | 56 | Beheaded | Olybrius |
Nepos | 480 AD | 5 years | uncertain | Assassinated | Romulus Augustulus |
Here are seven intriguing facts about the assassinated Roman emperors:
These fascinating tidbits underscore the precarious nature of imperial rule in ancient Rome, where power often came at the blade’s edge.
Author: Artur Jakucewicz
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