What is the Official Vatican Website?
Written by: Kate Zusmann
.va is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the State of the Vatican City. The Web Office of the Holy See manages it. The most popular website among users is www.museivaticani.va since you can buy tickets to the Vatican Museums there (the instructions are here). The official website of the Vatican is Vatican.va
Eighty-one domain names are located in the .va zone.
TOP 10 Most Popular .va Websites
- Vatican State Government: www.vaticanstate.va
- Landing page for the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano: www.osservatoreromano.va
- Vatican Museums: www.museivaticani.va
- Vatican Museums ticket office: tickets.museivaticani.va
- Apostolic Penitentiary: www.paenitentiaria.va and www.penitenzieria.va
- Pontifical Mission Societies: www.ppoomm.va
- Parish Church of Sant’Anna dei Palafrenieri in the Vatican: www.santanna.va
- Istituto per le Opere di Religione: www.ior.va
- Vatican News: www.radiovaticana.va
- Vatican Library: www.vaticanlibrary.va