The independent city-state of the Vatican (Città del Vaticano) was founded in accordance with the Lateran Treaty between the Italian State and the Roman Catholic Church in 1929. It is located on the right bank of the Tiber River in the western part of Rome.
The Vatican is the smallest republic or sovereign nation in the world, and it houses all the highest governing bodies of the Roman Catholic Church, including the residence of the Pope. Its area is only 0.44 square kilometers or 0.17 square miles.
Today, the population is multinational and consists of about 500 people.
What Can You See Inside the Vatican?
The Vatican City State is one of the most famous destinations among travelers from all around the globe. There are approximately 30,000 visitors in a day.
Don’t forget that if you are going to visit the Vatican museums, the Sistine Chapel, Gardens, the dome, and St Peter’s Basilica, you should follow opening hours, where morning time is the best one because of the number of tourists.
You can book tickets online in advance on the official website of the Vatican with a reservation fee of 5 euros. Moreover, you don’t have to pay to visit St Peter’s Basilica since there is no entrance fee. The entrance location to the basilica is on the right side of St. Peter’s Square .
Also, it is always better to take a tour of the Vatican with a licensed tour guide, who will explain everything to you about this powerful city-state, its art objects, the life of locals, and the most popular jobs and events.
You can compare guided tour offers at vaticanmuseums.tickets/tours
In addition, there are lots of stores where you can buy different souvenirs related to the Vatican.
Museums & Sistine Chapel
The Vatican Museums house impressive collections of art, ethnoanthropology, and archaeology collected by the Popes over several centuries. Also, some of the Apostolic Palace’s most historically significant and artistically valuable rooms are As part of the museums, the Sistine Chapel was built by the architect Giovannino de’ Dolci at the end of the 15th century by order of Pope Sixtus IV.
Inside, the chapel’s dome is painted with famous frescoes by Michelangelo. Also, the Sistine Chapel is always open to visitors, except when the procedure of electing a new pope is in process. There are beautiful frescoes in the Sistine Chapel with lots of small details.
Masses with the Pope take place in St. Peter’s Basilica, in St. Peter’s Square, or both together, depending on the kind of celebration and the number of visitors.
However, most of the masses are celebrated at St Peter’s Basilica because of its massive capacity of more than 15 thousand attendees. The Holy See issues various types of tickets for St Peter’s Basilica Masses, such as tickets for Cardinals, Governors and Diplomats, Bishops, Priests, special guests, and public tickets. Thus, for most of these masses, you will need to have a ticket, which is always free of admission.
However, masses at the Square host up to 80 thousand visitors, and you don’t need a ticket to visit any of them. Papal audiences take place on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can check the schedule on the official website of the Vatican. Mass cards are available during each mass.
You can get tickets directly from the Swiss Guards in St. Peter’s Square at the “Bronze Door” from 8 am until 8 pm (summer time) and 8 am until 7 pm (winter time), usually from 3 days before the mass
Church of St.Peter
St. Peter’s Cathedral, built according to the project of Donato Bramante, is a unique Renaissance monument and an embodiment of the Vatican’s wealth in the Square.
Carlo Maderna designed the facade of the cathedral. Furthermore, the Cathedral of St. Peter crowns the creation of Michelangelo Buonarroti. In addition, St. Peter’s Cathedral was recognized as the most remarkable creation of world architecture. To go inside the basilica, you don’t have to pay.
We recommend the Tour to St Peter’s Basilica and the Castle of St. Angel at sunrise with a climb to the dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral, where you will skip lines and discover the city during the most beautiful daytime with the nicest views.
St. Peter Square
Thousands of tourists and pilgrims travel to the Vatican every year. They want to receive the papal blessing and see unique monuments of architecture and history.
The twenty-five-meter Egyptian obelisk rises in the center of Rome’s largest Square, St. Peter’s Square. Visiting the Vatican is one of the “must-sees” during a tour trip to Rome. However, you should follow the timing so as not to spend the whole day in the crowd of tourists, so it is better to visit the city-state at sunrise. Moreover, the more significant part of the city-state’s territory has limited access, and regular tourists can’t go inside and explore destinations where citizens live. There are lots of official tour services directly on the Square.
The size of the area is 340 by 240 meters. Moreover, the colonnade around the area consists of 284 columns created by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini. Talking about the façade of the Square is 114.69 meters wide and 48 meters high.
It has an order of Corinthian columns and pilasters with an imposing cornice and a central tympanum crowned by a balustrade with thirteen statues.
The distance from St Peter’s Square to Vatican Museums is 1 km walk
The gardens of the Vatican are one of the most protected places in the world.
They are considered the most beautiful gardens in Europe. There, people with special rights can perfectly relax in the greenery and silence. Moreover, 20 gardeners take care of these gardens on a regular basis.
There are many fountains, but the most impressive one is the Galea Fountain, built in the 17th century. This is a small copy of the Italian galea, which shoots water from 16 cannons. You can buy tickets for the entrance to the Gardens of the Vatican on the official website by making a reservation.
There is a tour with an audio guide available on the website, where you can discover the whole Vatican, including gardens, in one day by train and bus shuttle:
Another option is to take a guided tour from the official website for groups of up to 15 people who desire to visit the Vatican museums or the Vatican Gardens. These tours are available at particular times and days of the week. You should check in advance the availability of tickets for your dates. It is definitely worth visiting the gardens.
Read about my experience visiting the Vatican Gardens.
Dress code
Entry to the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Vatican Gardens is permitted with a strict dress code. Males need to wear long pants and at least short sleeves, while women shouldn’t have shoulders or knees showing.
Tours & Tickets
- Entrance to St. Peter’s Square is free of admission
- Entrance to St. Peter’s Cathedral is also free, but long queues exist. Its opening hours are from 7 am to 5 pm, except Wednesday and Sunday. However, on Wednesday, you can visit the basilica at noon. There are metal detectors before the entrance. Moreover, you can easily skip the line until 8 am because there are almost no queues
- The dome of the cathedral is Rome’s highest viewing platform. You can buy the ticket right before climbing there. The price is 8 euros per foot and 10 euros for an elevator. Also, you can get to the dome only from the cathedral. In the afternoon, there can be a waiting queue of up to 30 minutes.
- Vatican Museums: the price is 21 euros (17 + 4 for online reservation). We recommend buying tickets online in advance; otherwise, there is a chance that they will not be available for your dates. The number of tickets for each date is limited.
Must-see Attractions in the Vatican
There are lots of spots and masterpieces to see in the Vatican, but don’t miss an opportunity to visit the main ones:
- The Sistine Chapel – is one of the greatest treasures of Vatican City and the world. It is famous for its frescoes. Moreover, the chapel is the temple in which popes are chosen and crowned
- Michelangelo’s Pieta – the masterpiece which helped launch Michelangelo’s career. The scene of the Pieta shows the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Christ after his crucifixion and removal from the cross
- The dome of St. Peter – the highest viewpoint of Rome. It was finished by Giacomo della Porta in 1590. Moreover, it offers amazing views of the Vatican City and Rome
- Raphael’s Rooms – the four rooms known as the Stanze of Raphael located on the second floor of the Pontifical Palace that pontiff Julius II della Rovere chose as his residence. The decoration of them was made by Raphael and his school between 1508 and 1524
- Gallery of Maps – 40 maps frescoed on the walls represent the Italian regions and the papal properties at the time of Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585). They were painted by Ignazio Danti, a famous geographer of that time
- Pinacoteca – the building consists of eighteen rooms, commissioned by Pius IX (1922-1939) and completed in 1931. There is a collection of paintings belonging to different popes. However, many paintings were taken to Paris by Napoleon in 1797 but returned to the Vatican after the Congress of Vienna in 1815
- The Pope’s Garage – the underground exhibit houses more than a dozen ornate papal carriages and several papal cars
Name of the City-State
The name of the city-state came from the name of the hill on which it is located – Vaticanus. The perimeter of the Vatican’s territory is surrounded by medieval walls. Within the city-state are religious and cultural sites such as St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Museums. They feature some of the most notable paintings and sculptures.
Talking about the creation of the Vatican Republic, the Pope used to rule the Papal States, which included most of Italy. Catholic popes tried to stop Italy from becoming one country because they feared losing control of at least one of the Papal States. In 1861, Italy was unified under the King of Savoy, but Rome and Latium remained unconquered. On September 20, 1870, Italian troops invaded, and Rome became the capital of the new kingdom. In 1929, Benito Mussolini decided to sign an agreement with the Holy See called the Lateran Treaty, which established the Vatican State.
On the territory of the Vatican are the palace complexes, the Vatican Gardens, art galleries, museums, and various administrative buildings. Also, the border with Italy passes through the St. Peter’s Square .
However, it is not marked on the ground. Another critical piece of information is that, according to the principle of extraterritoriality, some objects located on the Italian side belong to the Vatican. These include the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, the radio station Santa Maria di Gallery, and the summer papal residence in Castel Gandolfo.
In addition, several educational institutions are also subordinate to the Vatican. Among them is the University of Pope Urban, founded in 1927; the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, founded in 1909; and several others.
Secret archives
The Vatican Secret Archives (Archivio Segreto Vaticano) is the central repository in the city-state for all the acts manifested by the Holy See.
Each Pope is considered the owner of the archive until his death or registration, with ownership transferring to his successor. The archives contain documentaries such as the state papers, papal account books, and correspondence that the catholic Church gathered for centuries. In the 17th century, Pope Paul V ordered the separation of the Secret Archives from the Vatican Library, where scholars had limited access to them. In 1881, Pope Leo XIII opened access to research, and thousands of people examine some of these documents today. Tourists can’t go inside, but there are many documentaries with the virtual tour to the archives.
These hidden archives are not secret in terms of information despite their high-security measures. When you translate from Latin, the more precise meaning will be “private” archives, indicating the Pope’s personal property. However, parts of the materials prohibited for outside viewing relate to contemporary personalities and private records of church figures after 1922.
There are few millimeters worth of pages have been digitalized and available online at www.vaticanlibrary.va
Many conspiracy theorists claim that the Archives contain correspondence between St. Paul and Emperor Nero pertaining to Jesus’ existence. Also, some of them believe that the Vatican may be hiding the proof that Jesus did not exist.
Another interesting theory is that there is evidence of an alien life form, where the Pope is conspiring with aliens to implant humanity with computer chips. Also, documents that testify to the unprecedented Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire after the First World War are stored there. Such fiction works as “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown tried to open the topic of the Vatican Secret Archives’ myths.
Facts and Figures
The Vatican has a fascinating structure and buildings with known masterpieces worldwide. Read about the most important, funny, and cool facts and figures of the city-state:
- Area: 44 hectares
- The length of the state border is 3 kilometers
- You can pass the whole territory of the Vatican in about an hour
- Population: 1100 permanent residents, 95% of them are men
- Official language: Latin
- ATMs: Vatican ATMs are the only ones in the world where the main language used on the screen is Latin
- Time zone: Central European
- Phone Code: 0-03906
- There are no traffic lights in the Vatican
- Citizens of the Vatican do not pay Italian taxes, even if they live in Rome
- Airplanes can’t pass the airspace of the Vatican
- The Vatican has its zone in the Internet domain .va
- Official website: https://www.vatican.va/
- The Vatican Palaces consist of connected buildings with more than 1 thousand rooms. There are apartments, museums, chapels, government offices, and meeting rooms inside the palaces
- The Pope’s residence is the Palace of Sixtus V
- The first Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine, ordered the building of St. Peter’s Basilica. The location where it is now was chosen according to the belief that St. Peter was buried after his crucifixion in 64 AD. The Church was completed in about 349 AD
- There have now been 266 popes in history, where the first one was St. Peter in 32 AD
- In history, there were three popes under the age of 25. The last one was Pope Gregory V, who was 24 when elected in 996
- Also, there were three popes over 80 years old when elected. The last one was Pope Gregory XII, who was 81 when elected in 1406
- In the Middle Ages, cardinals often voted for a random candidate on the first papal ballot to see how other cardinals were leaning. However, in 1334, they all voted for the same person. This is how Pope Benedict XII was accidentally elected
- Current Pope Francis worked as a nightclub bouncer, a janitor sweeping floors, and in a chemical laboratory before joining the Jesuits
- Vatican citizens drink more wine per person than citizens of any other country, according to the statistics of the California Wine Institute. Residents consume about 105 bottles over a year
Holy See
The Holy See (Santa Sede) is the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome. It is the main reference for the Catholic Church everywhere. Moreover, The Holy See is an independent sovereign entity that holds the Vatican City enclave in Rome.
The main responsibility of it is to maintain diplomatic relations with other states. In addition, it is somewhat analogous to a state-administered by the Roman Curia.
Is Vatican City a country?
Vatican City is the capital of the Vatican City State, located in Rome, Italy. Its ISO code is 3166-2, and the city code is 379. The Vatican is the smallest country in the world, also known as the Holy See.
Citizenship is acquired only by unique kinds of people, such as high-ranking hierarchy and staff living here. It is extended to permanent residents of its territorial possessions and diplomats within its embassies. It is not easy to get a passport from the Vatican at all.
Moreover, all popes throughout history were chosen wisely according to the criteria by which they would manage to control the holy area. The world’s tiniest sovereign state has its pharmacies, fire stations, shopping centers, etc.
Vatican City Population
The Vatican’s population has increased over the last several years. For instance, in March 2025, the number of people who lived in the country was 580, including the Pope.
Today, of the more than 1000 residents, over 550 have Vatican passports and citizenship. There are many different nations, and each citizen has dual citizenship.
The Institute for the Works of Religion (Istituto per le Opere di Religione), also known as the Vatican Bank, is a private bank located in Vatican City. It is run by a Board of Superintendence, which reports to a Supervisory Commission of Cardinals and the Pope. Its president is Jean-Baptiste de Franssu. The institute was established by Pope Pius XII’s papal decree in 1942.
According to the history of the Roman Empire, Leonine City is the part of Rome around which the 19th-century Leonine Wall is located on the opposite side of the Tiber River. Pope Leo IV commissioned the wall’s construction, and Vatican City is within this enclosed area.
The wall was built in 846 years and is dimensioned 14 m high with 44 towers.
However, Leonine City also contains the Roman rione of Borgo, which is more extensive than the Vatican. From the side of St Peter’s Basilica, the wall doesn’t exist, and the territories are divided only by lines. So, visitors have access to entry into Vatican borders. The wall’s dimensions are impressive. You can notice it while walking along streets near the Vatican area.
Moreover, although Rome is full of graffiti lovers, there are no “amateur paintings” along this wall.
The radio of the Vatican broadcasts in 45 languages. Also, it has an international sound of all the Pope’s live ceremonies, including General Audience, Sunday Angelus, pontifical ceremonies, and other major events. Its main institutional task is to record, translate, and distribute the sound of all the Pope’s public activities and local news. Of course, it also services in English, Italian, and Latin, the three main languages, and you can find the radio records online and on the radio’s Facebook. However, Vatican Radio’s English shortwave broadcast to Asia doesn’t operate anymore after almost 60 years of serving.
- Live translations on FM 105 & 103.8
- Internet radio www.vaticannews.va/it/epg.html
Keys: online manuscripts catalog, entrance, address, history, collection, secrets
L’Osservatore Romano is the newspaper of Vatican City with news, editorials, and digital archives. It is the daily newspaper of the Vatican City State, which contains the Pope’s discourses and reports on the activities of the Holy See. It also contains many cultural articles.
It has several sections: Holy Father, Roman Curia, News Services, Vatican City State, Liturgical Year, and Liturgical Celebrations.
The flag 🇻🇦 of Vatican City was accepted in 1929, the same year when the Lateran Treaty was signed with Italy.
The flag is modeled on one of the earlier Papal States. It consists of two vertical bands: yellow (gold) and white, with the crossed keys of Saint Peter and the Papal Tiara in the center of the white band.
Pope Nicholas V established the library of the Vatican in 1448. He combined 350 Greek, Latin, and Hebrew codices inherited from his predecessors and his collection.
The Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana was officially established in 1475. There are more than one million books and the same number of manuscripts in the Vatican Library.
Undoubtedly, the Pope has the right to take any book he wants for an unlimited period, while for other people, there is quite limited access to the entrance. The library contains an online manuscripts catalog digi.vatlib.it. In its books and archives, one can find many secrets of the world’s historical events. The library addresses the territory of the Vatican State.
The Pope is the head of the Church or, as many say, “King of the Vatican City” and heir to St. Peter – the most important symbol of Catholicism for more than a billion believers worldwide.
He is also the “general director” of the Church, responsible for the order within the organization, existing for 2000 years. Finally, he manages the Vatican, a state – the Church’s property, which is a huge responsibility.
Each Wednesday and Sunday, you can come to St Peter’s Square to have a unique opportunity to see the Pope at the Vatican.
Of course, the Pope lives in the Vatican.
Papal conclave
A papal conclave is a meeting of the College of Cardinals dedicated to electing the Pope (a bishop of Rome).
Traditionally, if the meeting of cardinals comes to the final opinion, there is smoke from the pipe of the chapel, which goes from the burning bulletins. If the decision is not made, the color of the smoke is black, but when the new Pope is elected, the color of the smoke is white.
One of the most interesting facts about the papal conclave is that the longest papal election lasted three years. It was in the 13th century, in the Italian town of Viterbo, because previously, elections took place where the last Pope had died. It took 2 years and 9 months to choose a successor to Clement IV. Gregory X was finally selected as the new Pope in 1271.
Papal infallibility
Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church. It states that in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope can’t make an error since he is preserved from it. This doctrine was defined dogmatically at the First Ecumenical Council of the Vatican in 1870. When looking at a catechism (a summary of the principles of the Christian religion in the form of questions and answers) with a great number of doctrines, most of them have never formally been defined. For example, there are many topics on which it would be impossible for a pope to make an infallible definition without duplication of one or several infallible pronouncements of the Church.
First pope
The first Pope is considered Saint Peter, also known as Simon Peter of Cephas. He became one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and is believed to have had authority over the other apostles. The Roman Catholic Church states that after the recorded events of the Book of Acts, the Apostle Peter became the first bishop of Rome.
John Paul II
Starting from 1978, Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) was the first non-Italian Pope in more than 400 years.
He was born in Wadowice, Poland. Moreover, he was a vocal advocate for human rights and effected political changes.
Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI served as Pope from 2005, after John Paul II, until his resignation in 2013.
In 1951, he was ordained as a priest in Bavaria, his homeland, and became a full professor in 1958. For a long time, he was an academic and professor of theology at several German universities. Later, Ratzinger was appointed Archbishop of Munich and Freising and Cardinal by Pope Paul VI in 1977. On June 29, 2016, Pope Benedict appeared in public for the 65th anniversary of his priestly ordination.
Pope Benedict XVI’s official website is www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en.html
Pope Francis
Pope Francis is the 266 current Pope and sovereign of the Vatican.
He became the new Pope starting from the 28th of February 2013, when a papal conclave elected him as the successor of Pope Benedict XVI. Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Pope Francis’s official website is www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en.html
Swiss Guard
The story of the Swiss Guard starts in 1506 when it was founded by Pope Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere), who was very fond of the Swiss army. For his protection, he ordered 150 Swiss soldiers. Julius II, nicknamed among the militants the Fighter, even sent the Guard to battle with the French, who occupied Italy before its unification.
The Guard was almost destroyed during the rout of Rome by German and Spanish mercenaries sent by King Charles V in 1527. During the storming of the Vatican, while defending it on the steps of St. Peter’s Cathedral, 147 guardsmen were killed. It was 3/4 of the newly enlarged staff, including their leader, along with his wife, who saw her husband’s death and took her weapon to fight until she died at the entrance to the basilica. The surviving guards helped Pope Clement VII and the thirteen cardinals safely escape to the Castle of Saint Angel.
Stunning brown suits were invented by a Vatican seamstress by order of Benedict XV in 1914. Most likely, for the development of such an original uniform, she was inspired by one of the images of Raffaello Santi. On the anniversary of the Vatican’s heroic defense on May 6, 1527, were solemn ceremonies for new members to join the Guard who took the oath of allegiance to the Pope.
Candidates for guardsmen must be from 18 to 25 years old and about 180 centimeters tall.
Once enrolled in the composition, recruits learn to battle with swords and halberds, just as their predecessors. During the patrolling of the Vatican, the Swiss Guard does not carry firearms. This prohibition was introduced by Pope Paul VI in 1970. To protect the capital of all the apostles, only halberds are used. In addition to the honorable profession and a very prestigious entry in the workbook, the guards receive a very decent salary, which is about 4000 euros per month.