The Colosseum (Colosseo) is the largest ancient amphitheater in the world. Its height is 189 meters and width is 156 meter with a base area of 6 acres (24.000 m2). The height of the outer wall is 48 meters, while the perimeter measured 545 meters and the central oval arena is 87 m long with 55 m wide. Overall, the area is about 246,340 SF or 22.900 m2.
If it was built today, an approximate price would be 473 $/SF or about 5100 $/m2. Thus, 246,340 SF x 473$ = 166.500.000 $. However, the area is much larger than this and the Colosseum could fit up to 60.000 spectators. So an approximate cost was $500-600 million + the fact that it’s loaf bearing masonry.
Overall, if Colosseum was built today, an estimated price would be from $750 million to $1 billion
Moreover, in 2011, Diego Della Valle, head of the shoe firm Tod’s (www.tods.com), sponsored 25 million euro for the restoration of the Colosseum. The work process took up to two and a half years. It was the first full cleaning and repair in the history of the Colosseum.
Author: Kate Zusmann
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